Friday, April 17, 2015

Fear of Big Brother

A 2013 Gallup poll reveals that the American people have very little faith in their federal government. The poll shows that 72 percent of the American people view the federal government as a bigger threat to the future of the country than big business or big labor. The skepticism of big government has been on a constant rise in America since the development of such concerns 70 years ago.

This poll accurately displays the possibility of a "Big Brother" government that was illustrated in George Orwell's novel "1984". 72 percent of Americans fear government action to suppress its citizens in a totalitarian government. I certainly think that an essential right for the people to have is the right to bear arms simply because they could respond to such government actions with force and reinstate the liberties of the Constitution. I am sure that the recent discussion of outlawing guns in America increased the skepticism of many Americans.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I don't fully trust the government either. But I do wonder: If there was ever an uprising against the government, what would happen with the military? Somehow I feel like the people would be presented as 'homeland terrorists' or something like that. In which case a lot of soldiers would probably consider it their duty to protect their country from terrorism. There are lots of petitions to the government to deport all Muslims, so how big a jump is it from that to 'people who are against the US government'? And if the armed forces were used against us, I don't know if having guns (even assault rifles) would help. We don't have tanks. We don't have helicopters. We don't have large-scale bombs. If the government sincerely wanted to kill us, we couldn't stop them.
