Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Right to Bear Arms

      Minnesota State legislature is now in session and on their agenda is the bill SF684 which will allow citizens of Minnesota carry a firearm without a permit. This article starts by saying that the majority public of Minnesota support the bill. Then the article goes on to prove why they have such support. The author alludes to British control of the colonies when they tried to suppress the colonists' right to own and bear weapons. The author also alludes to Adolf Hitler administering gun control amongst his citizens before WWII and the Holocaust. Then the author provides a fun-fact sheet on the "good of guns". Nearly 100,000 U.S. citizens reported that they defended themselves against a criminal action, and 11,000 criminals used guns to commit their crimes per year.
     The facts that the author provided definitely make it apparent that there are more citizens in America that plan to use guns for safety and protection rather than harm and personal gain. Personally I share the belief that public ownership of guns is necessary in a free society for protection against a totalitarian government, revolt must always be an option! Although we all would like to see the 11,000 gun related crimes reduced to zero; this bill is necessary to preserve the American people's right listed as the second amendment to our Constitution.

Article summarized and analyzed is found at :

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Small Business Change

     Andrew Soergel wrote that the National Employment Report and Intuit’s Small Business Employment and Revenue Indexes released that small businesses are hiring at  lower rate than last year. Nearly 37,000 less jobs were created in January than in December; however, these reports also show that employees are being paid more in small businesses.
     These reports indicate a change in our small business economy that can be viewed as its cheers and jeers. If less people are able to find jobs, the unemployment rate will increase. On the contrary, if more people are being paid more, they will have the ability to invest their money in the stock exchange to help boost our economy.
