Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Republican Rubio

      The "hats in the ring" so far for the 2016 presidential campaign are Ted Cruz (R), Hillary Clinton (D). Rand Paul (R), and now Marco Rubio (R). Marco Rubio at age 43 is the youngest candidate to declare yet this year. Rubio says that it is time for his generation to take charge of America. Another big part of Rubio's opening statement is the story of his parents, runaway Cubans seeking the American dream. The article about Rubio's declaration was written by Manuel Bojorquez and can be found at the following link:
       Rubio seems to already be strategizing for his election, as a Minority story he will relate to many democrat minority voters, this appeal as well as the Republican party will increase his chances to become president. As long as he upholds Republican values and appeals to many minority bases, this crazy "kid" could have a shot.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Fear of Big Brother

A 2013 Gallup poll reveals that the American people have very little faith in their federal government. The poll shows that 72 percent of the American people view the federal government as a bigger threat to the future of the country than big business or big labor. The skepticism of big government has been on a constant rise in America since the development of such concerns 70 years ago.

This poll accurately displays the possibility of a "Big Brother" government that was illustrated in George Orwell's novel "1984". 72 percent of Americans fear government action to suppress its citizens in a totalitarian government. I certainly think that an essential right for the people to have is the right to bear arms simply because they could respond to such government actions with force and reinstate the liberties of the Constitution. I am sure that the recent discussion of outlawing guns in America increased the skepticism of many Americans.